In February 2017, we received a call asking if we could help with three middle-aged cats. The owner had passed at Christmas and her son had been struggling to care for them. He was doing his best but suffered from severe mental health issues and didn’t know what to do for the best. We said of course we would help. When we arrived at the flat, the three cats were living in squalor. Scared of the son’s dog, the two girls wouldn’t eat and there was no water for them. These cats were not victims of abuse but were seriously neglected and if they had been left for much longer, they would not have survived. We rushed them to the vet – the boy, Larry, was fine, if dirty and covered in fleas – but the two little girls were a different story. They both had a mouthful of rotten teeth, and Lulu was so dangerously dehydrated and malnourished that it was touch and go for a few days. Chloe had such severe entropion, we thought she would lose her eye. Both had over half their teeth removed and Chloe had two eye surgeries Both were kept in the vets after surgery, with poor Lulu on a drip before they went to stay with a foster whilst we searched for the perfect home for them. Larry went to live with a family with two teenage children and he is loved and spoilt. We knew the girls had to go together so we kept searching and we found them heaven in the lovely shape of Nik and Erika, along with their amazing rescued, and very large, terrapin, Pepper. Their home was light, spacious and secure and the girls were loved from day one. For the next three years, they were adored and given everything they needed and deserved. Sadly, in the midst of the awful lockdown, Chloe passed from kidney disease almost three years to the day that she went to her new human family, and Lulu left the earth twenty days later, both at the approximate age of sixteen years. No family could have given them more, or loved them better and for that, we will be eternally grateful that their last years were filled with comfort and joy and that their loving parents were with them to the very end. Rest in peace little girls. Nik, Erika and Pepper, thank you for giving these two little ones nothing but the best.